
Sunday 5 May 2013

Project Production (Week 4)

The first few days of week 4 I was mostly concentrating on my models and trying to get them I could put them into my map. It took me awhile to finish the models because I encountered a few issues when creating them. But once I had overcome these problems I set about creating my map in UDK. I encountered a problem when I was trying to import the prison cell door model into UDK. When I imported the model into the engine, only part of the model could be seen and when I tried to create a collision for the model, I was unable to for some strange reason. I wasted a lot of time trying to overcome this with no success. I ended up using a model from the content browser instead.  When I have a chance I will try and come back and fix the problem but because I am slightly behind I decided just to carry on for now and use the other model for the time being.

Progression with my models has been pretty smooth apart from a few hiccups. I had completed three models so far and are planning on creating a few more, but because I am behind on my map design, I will most likely have to do these much later. Hopefully by using the models I have created and the assets available in UDK will make the map look and feel more realistic, as it is currently very empty and plain.

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