
Thursday 6 September 2012

The Summer Project

Over the six weeks we were set the task of creating a character for post-apocalyptic event. This Task seemed like it would be fairly easy and enjoyable, but once I got my sketch book out all the ideas I had seemed to of fell out my head. The main problem I had was putting my character ideas onto paper. Because I was starting to get a bit frustrated at this so I took a break and did some research instead. My research consisted of watching films that came under this genre like Mad Max and Book of Eli, I also played a few games such as Rage and Borderlands. These media sources gave me a few ideas, so I started drawing.

I was still having trouble coming up with character ideas so I first drew a few simple sketches of different weapons that I would like my character to have.

I then started drawing a character design but struggled a lot and my drawing was very poor, after having some very harsh but true feedback I scrapped my initial design and started again. I first started by doing a few thumbnails of my character in varies different poses and positions.

Once I had picked a pose I liked, I then incorporated it into my design. I gave this character many thing that I thought would be appropriate for a post-apocalyptic environment like a mask to stop him from inhaling the toxic air, I also gave him goggles as well to shield his eyes from sand and dirt. I also gave him a bow and arrow, as this weapon is well suited to an environment with very little resources, once I was happy that my character fitted the post-apocalyptic genre I had finished.
I also drew an orthographic of my character. This layout lets me view every side of my character, which is very useful when modelling. I first started out by just practising proportions by sketching a plain character with little detail then drew another more refined one and added the characters aesthetics like clothes and accessories.
Here is my better, and more refined orthographic of my character  I decided to leave the coat off because it allows you to see the detail on his head, body and the weapons around his waist.

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