
Tuesday 19 February 2013

To Do List

After the presentation we sat down as a group and talked more about the different job roles we would each have to undertake. Because there were three artist in our group we decide to divide up the work load and designated each artist with a specific job. I was charged with designing and creating game assets, Mussa with  game characters and Connor with the backgrounds. After being designated with our jobs we were given a list by Chris detailing what he wanted from each of us.

Musa (Characters)
Main Character – Hippo
Friend – Elephant in little…toy…thing…box…truck? Something.
Boss 1 – Gorilla w/ panda head
Boss 2 – Decapitated Giraffe (Super large which you need to scale vertically)
Boss 3 – One Eyed Rhino with Two Horns
Final Boss – Zookeeper (Three Different Forms of Him)

Conor (Backgrounds Environments w/Nightmare Theme)
Portal Room (Box Area Outdoors)
Gorilla Enclosure (Horizontal Room – Arena – Outdoors)
Giraffe Enclosure (Vertical Room transitioning into the clouds / Jumping Puzzle - Outdoors)
Rhino Enclosure (Horizontal Room – Maze – Indoor Building)
Zookeeper Final Room (Enclosed Arena)

Jamie (World Assets)…
Three Portals for Each Boss
Larger Portal for Final Boss
Gorilla Enclosure (Outdoors); Flooring, Rope Swing Platform Thing, Floating Platforms, Ladders, Cage, Rock Surface Environment
Giraffe Enclosure (Outdoors); Flooring, Platforms, Breakable Platforms, Ladders, Rope, Building, Trees, Gates, Clouds, Trailer
Rhino Enclosure (Indoors); Fencing, Gates, Platforms, Flooring, Water Hole, Broken Trees, Toys, Travelling Cage, Posts, Maze, Air Vents, Lighting

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