
Saturday 23 February 2013

Initial Designs

Because I was charged with creating game assets, I first drew out a few simple sketches of a few of theassets I was asked to create. Here I have drawn a few ideas for different platforms and rope designs. Because our level is set in a Gorilla enclosure I thought it would be suitable that these assets would be made of basic materials like wood. To give the audience this impression I made the platforms look like they were constructed from planks of wood.With the swinging ropes i just played around with different types to see which one would look most suitable. I then went back to Chris to get his opinion and was told to go with a simple rope with a knot at the end.

Friday 22 February 2013

Doodling Designs

To get a better idea of what kind of game we will be creating I sat down with Chris and we produced a basic map design for our first level. The design we had created was pretty simple, your character would start at one end and then travel to the adjacent end were the level will end. Along the way your character would encounter varies different tasks and obstacles such as enemies and difficult jumps. we also decided to add in a boss which you would have to defeat to complete the level and progress to the next world.

Here is the design I created with ideas and suggestion from Chris. By creating this design it helped me get an idea of the sort of assets I will need to create. Because our first level is set in a gorilla enclosure, I thought it would be suitable to design my assets with a wooden theme to give the audience the impression that they are in a gorilla jungle gym.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

To Do List

After the presentation we sat down as a group and talked more about the different job roles we would each have to undertake. Because there were three artist in our group we decide to divide up the work load and designated each artist with a specific job. I was charged with designing and creating game assets, Mussa with  game characters and Connor with the backgrounds. After being designated with our jobs we were given a list by Chris detailing what he wanted from each of us.

Musa (Characters)
Main Character – Hippo
Friend – Elephant in little…toy…thing…box…truck? Something.
Boss 1 – Gorilla w/ panda head
Boss 2 – Decapitated Giraffe (Super large which you need to scale vertically)
Boss 3 – One Eyed Rhino with Two Horns
Final Boss – Zookeeper (Three Different Forms of Him)

Conor (Backgrounds Environments w/Nightmare Theme)
Portal Room (Box Area Outdoors)
Gorilla Enclosure (Horizontal Room – Arena – Outdoors)
Giraffe Enclosure (Vertical Room transitioning into the clouds / Jumping Puzzle - Outdoors)
Rhino Enclosure (Horizontal Room – Maze – Indoor Building)
Zookeeper Final Room (Enclosed Arena)

Jamie (World Assets)…
Three Portals for Each Boss
Larger Portal for Final Boss
Gorilla Enclosure (Outdoors); Flooring, Rope Swing Platform Thing, Floating Platforms, Ladders, Cage, Rock Surface Environment
Giraffe Enclosure (Outdoors); Flooring, Platforms, Breakable Platforms, Ladders, Rope, Building, Trees, Gates, Clouds, Trailer
Rhino Enclosure (Indoors); Fencing, Gates, Platforms, Flooring, Water Hole, Broken Trees, Toys, Travelling Cage, Posts, Maze, Air Vents, Lighting

Thursday 14 February 2013

2D Game Project

In our new project we were briefed on what our next project would entail. We were told that we will be assembled into groups once again and create another game, but this time in a 2D format. Because of this change it meant the designers in our class would be using a brand new software package called Construct 2, which is a game engine designed specifically for the creation and development of 2D games. As our fist task for the project we were told we would have to create a mood board composed of a variety of pictures displaying the kind of game we would like to create. We were also told once we had created this, we would have to present it to the class along with our ideas and thoughts on the game we would like to create.

Here is my mood board as I was quite unfamiliar with 2D games I decided to compose my mood board of the few games I had played such as Limbo, Rayman Origins and Abe's Odyssey. I also decided to add in other games such as Fez and Braid wish had a specific artistic style which I found very appealing. luckily i was able to find a group before the presentation which consisted of me, Chris, Connor and Musa. Because of this we were able to come up with a few initial ideas for our game which we presented together. For our presentation Chris had created a short power point document which detailed out initial thoughts and ideas such as a basic plot, theme and colour scheme. This representation can be found on IBM on our Group page. In addition I was a bit disappointed at first because I would not be using the new software package, but I could always download this software at home and practice using it in my own time.