
Monday 29 April 2013

Modelling (Week 3-4)

Because UDK has a very limited array of assets, I decide to create a few models in Maya which I would need for my map, a few examples are:
  • Prison Cell Door
  • Basketball Hoop
  • Bleachers (Bench)
  • Table
These models would be fairly easy to make so I got straight to it. Here are screenshots of my Models before and after they are textured.

Here are the screenshot for the prison cell door which I created in Maya. This model was fairly easy to create. It is composed of a simple cube which had manipulated to make the basic frame shape. For the bars I used basic cylinder and changed the shapes properties to make a long skinny cylinder for the bars, I then duplicated the cylinder multiple times and positioned them at equal intervals. I also used a simple cylinder to make the hinges as well. The only problem I encountered was when I was creating the key hole but I overcame that by simple working at it, but it did take me a while to finish it. After I had completed the model I then applied a basic metal texture to the whole model to finish it off.


This model was the easiest to create, as it was simple comprised of just a cylinder, cube and a pipe. All i did was modify the dimensions of each shape and positioned them to form the model u can you see here. I then Edited the UV's and textured it using images I found on the internet.

Here is the Model of a bench. This model was really easy to do at it was just two cubes. With the first cube I simple extruded it and modified to make the metal from which will hold up the wooden planks. The other cube was then modified into a plank shape and I then simple duplicated the plank five times and positioned them in relation to the metal frame. Once I had the shape right i them using a simple wood and metal texture which u can see above here.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Project Production (Week 3)

During this week I started developing my map in UDK. At first production was very slow due to the fact that I had not used UDK in a good few months, but after re-familiarising myself with the software my map gradually began to take form. I did come across a few problems because I had either forgotten a process or how to use a specific tool or feature, for example I had forgotten how to texture the terrain using the terrain tool. But these issues were easily overcome from the help of peers and tutorials from YouTube.

I also started creating a few models which would be used in my map. I started modelling a prison canteen table, prison cell gate, bleachers and a basketball hoop. These were fairly simple and easy to create, but took up a lot of my time because I wanted to get them finished and ready to be implemented into my map. I tried to finish these as quickly as I could but by the end of the week I had still not finished them meaning I was behind already,  to try and overcome this I used the weekend to get them near finished and ready for texturing.

Friday 19 April 2013

Map Desiging (Week 2)

I decided to make my map based on the prison from the TV series "The Walking Dead". I first gathered a variety of different reference images, some which were of the set from the show and others from actual prisons. By using these different images I was able to sketch out a few basic plans for my map.

Because I had a lot of reference I was able to come up with two basic plans for the map, to make the map easily recognizable i decide to base the map primarily on the show, as this one would be more well known and familiar, the first sketch is more accurate to the show and the second had hints of both the show and the comics. I decided to go with the one more accurate to the show, as this one would be easier for players to recognize and identify as.The purpose of these sketches is just to layout the map and position were each building will go. This will help me when creating the map in UDK.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Research and Reference (Week Two)

In week two I will be primarily designing and planning out my map. I first started out by collecting a variety of different reference images that would aid me in the creation of my prison map. These images proved very helpful when designing and creating my map. these images helped me get the little things right, like the number of windows, as well as the proportions and sizes of the buildings.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Project Launch (Week 1)

In our project launch we were briefed on that our final project will entail. We were told that we would have total freedom with this project and that we get to decide what kind of thing we would be doing for the next 6 weeks there were, however there were a few things which we would have to do to cover the last two units, Unit 4 and 5. These included creating our own personal brief and project management e.g. creating a timetable and tracking our progress.

Too decided what I would do for this project I created a small spider diagram which you can see above here. This spider diagram details the different subjects, software, and work I could create for this project. I really struggled at deciding what to do, because I wasn’t sure whether to create a 3D model or create a map in UDK. I finally decided to create a map because I thought creating a map would be the best way of showing off my skills. After deciding this I then had to come up with an idea for my map, and the first thing that came to mind was a TV show called “The Walking Dead”. This gave me the great idea of creating a map based on the Prison in the TV show. I thought that by creating this map it would give players the opportunity to step into and explore the world.

The brief was fairly easy to do as we were given a template by our tutors. This template contained most of the information already and all I had to do was personalize it to my own personal project. To track and manage our work we were told to keep a log of our progression throughout our project either by use of a timetable or some other means.In the brief  there was also a basic timetable, on the last page. I used this to detail what I would be doing each week and what I hoped to achieve at the end of each week.  Once I had finished the brief I then uploaded it to Moodle to be marked

To track my work even further, I also used Google Calender to make a day by day timetable, which will detail when I start and finish a specific task. Hopefully by following the calender and the timetable I will hopefully be able to manage my time effectively to complete all work before the deadline.